Summer Statistics for Locarno / Monti TI (367m)
Live data: Map / Time Series

Rank | Year | Date | Value [°C] |
Temperature at Locarno / Monti TI (367m) last 40 years.
Measurement Sites History

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Daily temperature data is provided as-is (inhomogeneous). Please consult measurement site history and see MeteoSwiss website for details

Anomalies (departure from 1981-2010 climate normal)

Running average summer season

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Warm/Heat Periods (Daily Average Temperature)
Note that the temperature thresholds used to the determine warm/heat periods depend on station altitude.

Warm/Heat Periods (Daily Max Temperature)




Precipitation (Hydrological Year)

Precipitation (Summer Apr-Sep)

Top Ten Daily Precipitation
Rank | Year | Date | Value [mm] |
Highest daily precipitation amount at Locarno / Monti TI (367m).
Note: Return periods may be over-/understated due to climate change and changes in measurement location or instrumentation. Time range: last 40 years. Please refer to MeteoSwiss website for a comprehensive extreme value analysis.

The Swiss National Basic Climatological Network (Swiss NBCN) connects the major ground-based stations within the MeteoSwiss monitoring network. It consists of 29 climate monitoring stations and 46 precipitation stations. The measurement series available in digital form for temperature, precipitation and hours of sunshine date back, in some cases, to the mid-nineteenth century.
MeteoSwiss has been conducting systematic measurements of climate parameters at ground level in all parts of the country since 1864. Certain monitoring stations in this network are run with particular precision and are the bedrock for research into climate change. The particular ground-based monitoring stations in the network that are the most important from a climatological perspective together form the Swiss National Basic Climatological Network (Swiss NBCN). These provide the basis for long-term, continual high-quality climate data series. MeteoSwiss